Come climb, play, dance and move with your toddler in this movement and music class.
Payment by check only (made out to AARP). One check per person due at registration. AARP members: $25. Non-members: $30. Seating is limited, call for availability.
Come climb, play, dance and move with your toddler in this movement and music class.
The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program at EOC of Suffolk, Inc.
No Registration Required. Drop in or email for appointments with our Social Work Intern. She is available to help with referrals, case management, applications and more.
Please visit the table hosted by the Willing Hearts, Helpful Hands Caregiver Support Initiative.
Grades 1 to 5, register by phone or in person at the Children's Reference Desk. These positive and supportive sessions are especially helpful to children who are struggling to read.