Warm up with some good books in this cozy storytime
Warm up with some good books in this cozy storytime.
No Registration Required. Drop in or email sw.intern2@sachemlibrary.org. for appointments with our Social Work Intern. She is available to help with referrals, case management, applications and more.
This afternoon at 1:30 p.m., the library will be showing the movie "Adam the First".
Design a canvas tote and add much needed items for veterans in our local community.
Sachem Cardholders.
This program is for Sachem cardholders only.
This evening at 6:00 p.m., the library will be showing the movie "Adam the First".
Grades 1 to 5, register by phone or in person at the Children's Reference Desk. These positive and supportive sessions are especially helpful to children who are struggling to read.
Studio classes are limited to Adult Sachem Cardholders Only, unless otherwise noted. Registered adults may be accompanied by a teen age 16 or above.
Sachem Cardholders.
This program is for Sachem cardholders only.
Excel contains all the necessary tools to organize and analyze data. In this session, learn how to sort and filter data, explore the power of the Format as a Table feature, separate and combine text with Flash Fill.
Sachem Cardholders.
This program is for Sachem cardholders only.
Study and de-stress with a certified therapy dog.
No registration required.