Spend some time bonding with your baby, learn some songs, new rhymes and lap bounces.
Join us for this interactive music and movement class.
Spend some time bonding with your baby, learn some songs, new rhymes and lap bounces.
Join us for this interactive music and movement class.
No Registration Required. Drop in or email sw.intern@sachemlibrary.org. for appointments with our Social Work Intern. She is available to help with referrals, case management, applications and more.
This afternoon at 1:30 p.m., the library will be showing the movie "The Critic". A powerful London theater critic becomes entangled in a web of deceit and murder. (2024, R-1:41)
This evening at 6:00 p.m., the library will be showing the movie "The Critic". A powerful London theater critic becomes entangled in a web of deceit and murder. (2024, R-1:41)
Grades 1 to 5, register by phone or in person at the Children's Reference Desk. Children may book two 20-minute appointments each month. Children may not share appointments.
Sachem Cardholders.
This program is for Sachem cardholders only.
Logical functions are some of the most popular and useful in Excel. They can test values in other cells and perform actions dependent upon the result of the test.
Sachem Cardholders.
This program is for Sachem cardholders only.