- Until restrictions are lifted, patrons may register for two programs
- Restrictions will be lifted on Tuesday, September 24
- Patrons are encouraged to use their child’s Sachem Public Library
Payment by check only (made out to AARP). One check per person due at registration. AARP members: $25. Non-members: $30. Seating is limited, call for availability.
- Until restrictions are lifted, patrons may register for two programs
- Restrictions will be lifted on Tuesday, September 24
- Patrons are encouraged to use their child’s Sachem Public Library
Just drop in
No Registration Required. Drop in or email sw.intern@sachemlibrary.org. for appointments with our Social Work Intern. She is available to help with referrals, case management, applications and more.
This afternoon at 1:30 p.m., the library will be showing the movie "The Fabulous Four". The story of two friends who travel to be bridesmaids in a surprise wedding of their college girlfriend.
Please visit the table hosted by the Willing Hearts, Helpful Hands Caregiver Support Initiative.
Volunteer Night- Create cards of cheer to be sent to senior homes and children's hospitals. Bring in non-perishable food for local food pantries.
Feel the zen and learn some new movies in this fun intro to yoga class.
Grades 1 to 5, register by phone or in person at the Children's Reference Desk. These positive and supportive sessions are especially helpful to children who are struggling to read.
This evening at 7:00 p.m., the library will be discussing the book "The Death of Mrs. Westaway", by Ruth Ware. On a day that begins like any other, Hal receives a mysterious letter bequeathing her a substantial inheritance.
Please contact Lake Ronkonkoma Civic Organization directly at information@lakeronkonkomacivic.org with any questions.